Sunday, November 16, 2014

Why "Closed Loop"?

"Closed Loop" is not simply the type of production system we use, it is also our philosophy.  A production system that utilizes our waste product to recycle into more raw materials for production.
How do we do it?
Easy! (sort of)
First we begin by growing our own baby ginger for the ginger beer along with as many of the flavorings as we can, sometimes this is not always possible, as with say Tamarind which does not grow anywhere near Columbus, Ohio -Sometimes I just choose a flavor because it is awesome with ginger.  We are however, able to grow a great many items that may show up in a bottle of our brew, such as lavender or hops. 
Second, We recycle our waste product from growing and processing the ginger, and any other plants we use in the process, into fertilizer by feeding the waste to our worms which quickly break everything down into fine-textured ginger-growing black-gold.  This allows us to continue to produce our tasty beverage with a little impact as possible on the landfill while keeping us in supply of wonderful growing medium.
Third, we also source some local ingredients from other places like Honeyrun Farm where we get the delightful honey that distinguishes our ginger beer from most other soft drinks that are using plain old sugar or high fructose corn syrup.  I prefer to use a natural, minimally processed sweetener that has little if any waste product, not to mention that the honey itself becomes a distinct part of the flavor profile.
Our goal is to grow our business and remain true to this practice and philosophy having our only noticeable impact be on your taste buds and not the environment.